Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Industrial Growth – Economic Development

Unstable Industrial Economy

During the last few decades, the economic status of the country was extremely sluggish which led to a widespread volatility to the industrial climate in the country which adversely affected the job market in the country. With the millions of people around the country looking for jobs, the job market was totally non-existent with fewer opportunities available for jobs in India. This condition was prevalent not only for the companies in the corporate sector but also in the government jobs in India. With few jobs being available, people were hunting for jobs that would help them to sustain them in the turbulent times during the 1970’s. With the exodus of IBM, a US based company from the country which was hastened to due to a change in the political climate in the country, it was only during the early 1970’s that the indigenous manufacturer of computers hardware and software started ushering in the dawn of an entirely new electronic era.

Vibrant Economic Status

In the present age, the industrial development in the country is poised for a vertical progression in most of its sectors. The industrial growth has become vibrant and bears an economic resilience that has provided an incredible boost to this phenomenal growth. The rejuvenation of the economy in the country has helped in the generation of mass scale jobs in India which has also burgeoned into an independent recruitment industry. The recruitment industry has touched new heights mainly due to helping the countless literate young men and women to obtain jobs that are become a perfect match with their academic qualifications and professional experience. There is no dearth of IT jobs in India as far as the developed sectors of the country are concerned such as the Information Technology sector which has opened wide its doors to the deserving candidates who are well qualified and talented.

It is firmly believed that the existing economic condition in the country is destined to continue for the next few years in the future.

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